The shoot for Vettai starring Arya and Madhavan has begun. They have begun shooting in Karaikudi. Sameera Reddy and Amala Paul will be paired opposite the duo. Arya and Madhavan are riding high after their recent successes at the box office. Maddy delivered a smash hit with Tanu Weds Manu (Hindi) and Arya had Boss Engira Bhaskaran. All eyes are on these hit machines.
There are high expectations for Lingusamy’s Vettai as Maddy chose this film despite being flooded with offers from Bollywood. We wish the entire unit the very best for their project!
It is no more a secret that Madhavan is playing a honest police officer and a doting elder brother of Arya in 'Vettai', a film directed by 'commercial expert' Lingusamy.
The name of his character in the film is Thirumoorthy. "A man with principles, he wants to serve the department and the society with utmost sincerity. But what happens when hurdles come in his way is the crux of the story," sources say.
Arya plays a carefree younger brother of Madhavan who later takes on an action avatar, sources say and add: "Sameera Reddy plays Madhavan's wife and Amala Paul as her sister."
"Arya falls in love with Amala at the very first sight and their romance scenes will be the highlight of the movie. Vettai is taking shape fast and would hit the screens soon," they further say.
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