Veppam' is directed by debutante Anjali Ali Khan who had earlier assisted ace director Gautham Menon, and is co-produced by the latter's production banner Photon Kathas and RS Infotainment. This action thriller features an ensemble of stars including Nani, Karthik Kumar, Bindhu Madhavi and Nithya Menen and will see a release simultaneously in Telugu, bearing the title 'Sega'.
The story is about youngsters who are brought up in a slum and the events surrounding their lives. Bindhu Madhavi has portrayed the daring role of a sex-worker in her very debut in Tamil. Music by Joshua Sridhar is an important feature; he sure seems to be a composer to be watched out for in future.
'Veppam' was shot in nearly fifty days and the shots were mostly canned in Chennai or around the city in places like Mahabalipuram and Kodaikanal. In an interview with IG Anjana expressed that most of the scenes were canned without using sets and were naturally shot in the slums and other areas, for the film revolves around the slums in the city!
The film which has been produced with the budget of US$ 550,000 is believed to have got much more the money than that was invested even before the release of the film. The rights of 'Veppam' in Tamil Nadu are reported to have been sold for US$600,000. This is exclusive of the television rights as well as international screening rights considering which the money amounts to around $200,000.
'Veppam's songs have made the film a rage even before its release... With a promising script, young talents, characters, songs and cinematography, 'Veppam' might be the right package in this never ending summer...
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