Thandavakone starring Sanjay Kumar and Nandagi had its audio release recently. The USP of the film is that Ilaiyaraja composed the music. In a moving speech, the maestro reminisced about how he first got his break in films. He revealed the struggles he underwent and was full of gratitude to producer Panchu Arunachalam for believing in him, when he was a nobody and giving him his first break.
The great man said that he has always sought to repay the favor by giving other talented artistes a chance to prove themselves. In addition to this, he is always happy to score the music for films by new directors who have the potential to make it big. And that is why he agreed to work on Thandavakone directed by Subbusujatha and produced by Ambience Movie Makers.
All in the audience were moved by the speech and the humility of the speaker. Truly, Ilaiyaraja is a living legend and an inspiration to all who know and love him.
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